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Why You Need a Coffee Station at Your Wedding Reception

Picture this: You are busy planning and finalizing all the key parts of your wedding ceremony and reception. You check the invitations and the guests who sent their RSVP, inspect the decorations and the venue, get your final fitting for your wedding gown, and have a nice good chat with your wedding planner to ensure that everything is in place. Yet, as you are months away from the day you proclaim your love with your beau, you suddenly get this nagging feeling that there is still something missing in your upcoming wedding.

Perhaps, a coffee station is the missing ingredient to ensuring your celebration is a one-of-a-kind experience for your spouse-to-be and your esteemed guests.

Why a coffee station, you ask?

In every event, there are bound to be several hiccups and unexpected road bumps that could affect the smooth-sailing flow of activities. Not to mention, you have to consider that your guests will either feel weary or zone out through numerous speeches and intermissions. With all the possible factors that could leave an impact on your special day, a coffee station at your wedding is a practical and effective solution that covers that.

It appears that not many people have explored the full benefits and perks of preparing a coffee station or coffee bar at your reception. That said, it’s time to unveil just how including a caffeine-charged selection of beverages can add a delightful spin to your wedding—or any event for that matter.

1. No Alcohol, Please.

Although most weddings have the majority of guests gladly consuming alcohol during the reception, not everyone will appreciate a purely alcoholic drink selection. Coffee is an excellent alternative to offer to non-alcoholic drinkers. They will surely appreciate that you went out of your way to offer them a drink that suits their preferences. As for people who are not big fans of coffee, you can have the barista serve them tea or decaf instead.

Alternatively, you can choose to replace alcoholic beverages with coffee completely. Unless your crowd consists of solid liquor lovers, then caffeine should be enough to add that needed mix of excitement to get your guests hyped up.

2. Spice it Up

The beauty of caffeinated drinks is they are quite versatile in terms of flavor combinations. You can prepare an espresso machine or add options like a latte, frappe, macchiato, or cappuccino. If you have a bigger budget for this, you can add more options and flavors so your guests can customize their drinks. Think of it as a mini replica of your local coffee shop or favorite coffee shop. Guests get to indulge in a creamy and velvety coffee or drink one that suits any health concerns they have. An example is providing self-serve so guests can replace regular milk with oat milk in their coffee.

3. Energy Booster

People generally have short attention spans. However, that shouldn’t excuse them from dozing off and missing any important moment, heartfelt speech, or fun activities that you prepared for your wedding. You worked and pondered hard for your wedding day to be a success. Luckily, serving guests delicious cups of coffee gives them no excuse to lose energy and focus throughout the day. Also, coffee is a well-known mood booster, so it’s a great addition to keeping guests satisfied and energized from the beginning of the ceremony up to the end of your reception.

Aside from your guests, your entourage also needs to stay awake and fully aware of their surroundings since they play an integral role in your intimate celebration. Hence, all the more reason to prepare a coffee station.

4. Endless Options

A coffee station is not just limited to the usual coffee shop-like setup. You can get more creative by offering coffee in different forms. Is your wedding set during the winter season? A warm cup of coffee will keep them from freezing or feeling the cold breeze. Are you getting married during the summer? Don’t worry, an iced coffee should do the trick.

5. Demonstrate

Speaking of adding more life to your party through a coffee station, how about having the baristas prepare a brewing demonstration? It’s an interesting show to pique your guests’ interest. Guests can interact with the barista, and ask them to give a quick tutorial on some brewing techniques they can try at home.

6. Generous Giveaways

One way to have guests treasure the memories they shared with you during your wedding day is to distribute tokens they can bring after the event. Plants, figurines, thank you notes, ornaments, and coasters are typical wedding giveaways. Having a coffee station gives you the option of using Rugged Coffee Mugs as your token of appreciation. Prepare different types of beans and a chart for each coffee grind. Give a broader selection for guests who have underlying health conditions with green coffee variants. With a giveaway as unique and as thoughtful as coffee beans, your wedding will surely be one for the books!

Are you convinced now that a coffee station is a must for your wedding? Well then, it’s time to brainstorm ideas to pull it off successfully!

2 thoughts on “Why You Need a Coffee Station at Your Wedding Reception”

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