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Hello Summer from DJ in Houston

Well the Summer, although not officially, is here and the Month of May is over!

God was great to me last month and I am very thankful for that. I was able to witness the most weddings ever in a month. I love weddings and I love what they represent: The coming together of two individuals who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. It’s romantic, it’s memorable, and it’s a great feeling to be able to be there and see the bride and the groom as they exchange their bows, as they dance for the first time as husband and wife, as the father takes his daughter and dances with her for the first time as Mrs., and as everyone there is happy for them and willing to participate in anything they can to make the day special.

This week I have been lazy keeping up with my blogs, so I am calling it a vacation. I have a regular job, I DJ on the weekends, and I try to find great material to share on my blog. Plus I have a family of 4 (Including me) I have to spend time with. I love my daughters and my wife (In that order) lol and I love to see how my daughters grow and learn things.

My oldest, Alexa just graduated from pre-K and is enjoying her long awaited summer vacations. My youngest, Atziry, is a one year old who is amazingly intelligent. But of course, who’s child isn’t (in their own eyes). Every morning when I place her in my car to take her to the baby sitter’s she, spends her whole trip trying to put on her sandals. I don’t know if my oldest did that when she was 1 year old. She gets them halfway on, but since they have velcro, she hasn’t figured out how to take that out. So I imagine that is pretty advanced for her, taking off the velcro.  She talks already and understand a few commands, takes her own diaper to the trash can, dances to some Spanish songs; chicken dance style, etc.

June is here and I have a busy DJ – MC schedule coming up, but luckily not as busy as May so I will be able to live a little more with my beautiful girls, all three of them and find some great topics for this blog.

Happy Planning!

DJ Francisco,
Professional Latin Wedding DJ in Houston

1 thought on “Hello Summer from DJ in Houston”

  1. Oh, a great article! No idea how you were able to write this report..it’d take me long hours. Well worth it though, I’d suspect. Have you considered selling advertising space on your blog?


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