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The Tuscany Gardens & Villa on 34th ST Soon to be Bell Tower on 34th??

“There is now a sign that says “Bell Tower on 34th” Coming Soon with a phone number.”

Does that mean that there will soon be a new venue opening to replace the Tucan Gardens Tuscany Gardens of Garden Oaks?

Happy Planning!

|o| Simply Fank |o|
Professional Bilingual Wedding DJ in Houston

7 thoughts on “The Tuscany Gardens & Villa on 34th ST Soon to be Bell Tower on 34th??”

  1. How I Lost 30 Pounds in 30 Days Without Dieting

    Thanks for writing, I really enjoyed that post, wish you would post more often

  2. Wow, are you really that excited to get work from these people? You do realize how many brides lost their wedding dreams and $$$$$, let’s not forget how much WE lost. It’s too bad wedding vedors wont stand up and say…..WE AREN’T teaming up with you people….maybe eventually it will get them all out of the industry! Not soon enough I’m sure!

  3. jen’s comment is ridiculous ! The new owners have nothing to do with the old ones. They simply bought a property from the bankruptcy courts.

  4. Well, I had the lovely opportunity to meet with Roger and Angela today…

    I’ve asked TWA2009 on a couple of emails to provide me with that document and she never replied.

    I would encourage anyone who reads this blog to please contact Roger and Angela directly. They have nothing to hide and are as much of a victim to what happened in 2008 as any other person. They are not in hiding they DO answer the telephones and they are working extremely hard to get the place ready for their grand opening this September, 2009.

    It’s really an unbelievable story you must hear on your own. They have all the legal documentation to prove what happened and I think It’s sad that they have to work so hard, after losing EVERYTHING they had, to disassociate themselves from the people who were responsible for the entire situation.

    Again, if anyone who reads this blog is considering using the Bell Tower on W34th as their wedding venue, do yourself a favor and go visit with them… They are genuinely good people, they themselves are rebuilding their lives after losing everything, and it’s a shame that people go on blogs and websites and post negative, misinformed statements about them.

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